Barn Hunt Workshop for beginners and intermediates (improvers). £45 per dog + handler partnership 'Fun at the farm with the BTAC gang'

  • Date:06/10/2024 09:30 AM - 06/10/2024 11:30 AM
  • Location Oxford OX33 1DE, UK (Map)


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BTAC Barn Hunt Workshop £45

Suitable for all dogs over 6 months.

Encourage your dog to use their natural skills to locate the rat in the tube whilst learning to ignore other dummy tubes.

Reward based play sport.

Reactive dog? No problem - secure barn area, all doors surrounding barn can be closed. One dog only allowed in barn. Safe crossover areas. All dogs on lead outside of the barn hunt area.

Beginners welcome - start the barn hunt journey with us and watch your dog relish in the pure enjoyment of hunting for a scent.

Intermediates/improvers - we'll help you learn to work with your dogs and challenge them with more complex finds and courses, all appropriate to the dog in front of us.

DEAD rats, responsibly sourced from reptile feed suppliers. Rats are held in tubes which prevent you or your dog from seeing them.